Sleep is not a luxury, it's a necessity!
We prioritize sleep in a child’s life as it helps with learning, concentration, behavioural issues and development and makes for a happier, well rested baby!
If you long for a good night’s rest and are wondering how to get baby to sleep through the night and take longer, more restorative naps, you are not alone. Our worldwide packages are right for any sleep problem, from settling issues, regressions and transitions, to consolidating naps, sleep resistance, early rising, or supporting your child to sleep through the night, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world! Contact me today so I can hear your story, and together we can decide what options are the best fit for you and your family.

Are you ready to make the change?
All prices quoted in USD

Pre-natal to Newborn (0-14 weeks)
$200 USD
Initial 15 minute consultation
60 minute one-on-one consultation/ education session including nursery prep tips via video chat
Customized Sleep Path to facilitate baby’s feeding needs and a great night time routine from the get go.
Follow up support: 2 calls and 2 weeks of email support.
This class will help you to: 1. Calm a fussy baby 2. Understand sleepy cues 3. Encourage healthy sleep habits 4. Set your days and nights up for success 5. Be confident with your Newborn and LOVE the newborn stage!A great gift for a mom to be!

(5-20 months)
$395 USD
Initial 15 minute consultation
Extensive questionnaire for expert evaluation
60 minute one-on-one consultation aimed at educating, guiding and providing direction customized to your baby plus sleep space evaluation and tips via video chat.
Customized Baby Sleep Plan Covering bedtime, night wakings, naps, schedule/routine, and details specific to you and your little one.
Follow up support: Daily sleep logs which I will review, 4 calls and 2 weeks of email and messaging support.
Teach your baby independent sleep skills to sleep through the night and take longer more restorative naps.

Toddlers and pre-schoolers
$450 USD
Initial 15 minute consultation
Extensive questionnaire for expert evaluation
60 minute one-on-one consultation aimed at educating, guiding and providing direction customized to your child plus sleep space evaluation and tips via video chat.
Customized Toddler Sleep Plan Covering bedtime, night wakings, naps, schedule/routine, and details specific to you and your little one.
Follow up support: Daily sleep logs which I will review, 4 calls and 2 weeks of email and messaging support.
Teach your child independent sleep skills to sleep through the night and take longer more restorative naps.
Everything you need to go from Up All Night to Through The Night in less than 2 weeks!
Start with your free call!
P.S. If you’re not sure if my services are right for you, or if you have any questions at all about what’s included in the packages or how it works, please take advantage of a FREE 15-minute phone consultation by connecting with us on any of out platforms. We will chat a little bit about your child’s unique situation, and decide together if a full consultation is the right solution for your family.
All consultations are available anywhere in the world from the comfort of your home.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and helping you solve your child’s sleep problems!
Refresher Consultations (for past clients)
This package is especially for parents who have met with me in the past, but are looking for a “refresher.” This is a popular option for past clients who have recently had a new baby — or who are expecting in the near future.

Please note that in order to qualify for this package, we must have worked together in the past. You can book a Refresher consultation by contacting me directly.
This package includes:
A private, 60 minute consultation that we’ll use to discuss any particular challenges you might be having with your child. Since we’ve already worked together, a full hour is usually more than enough time to cover all your questions and concerns.
One follow-up email session. At the end of our consultation, I’ll give you my private email address so that you’ll be able to send me an email with additional questions that might come up. I’ll respond to your questions within two business days.